Monday, December 20, 2004


Over visiting Not Exactly Rocket Science, I found a link to Blogthings. I just could not resist the “What Crappy Gift Are You?”. So here is what I am:

You Are Socks!

Cozy and warm... but easily lost.
You make a good puppet.


Bou said...

"You make a good puppet" ROFLMAO! I have to take this test. You know I'm giving you all sorts of crap about this tomorrow morning! heh heh heh "This is my friend, Socks". :0

Bou said...

Ack! I got, You are a Fruitcake. Blech!

You taste like nothing else in this world.
And get ready, you're about to get tossed!

Damn, I hope that is not some bad omen that I'm going to get tossed out for a younger woman this year... GEEZ.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the Hugh Manatee!
I'm a losing lottery ticket.

Hope and promise, but in the end a huge let down.


Caltechgirl said...

I am a self-help book: "While your advice is not always welcome... It's always right on target."


BTW I own those socks! Love them.

Jody said...

I, too, am a losing lottery ticket. At least I start out good. My poor husband, he's in for a let down, I'm afraid.

Lee Ann said...

I'm also a pair of socks. Good thing they come in pairs!