Sunday, December 19, 2004

Mommmm, I’m on the Phone!

We went to McDonalds and got a Kid’s meal. In it, came this little arcade like game. BUT, to my 2 year old, it was just like a cell phone. It flips open and beeps. I decided to take his picture while he was using his ‘cell phone’. This is what I got (click picture to enlarge):

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Harvey said...

"Son #1 calls his lawyer during his "perp walk""

Bou said...

Actually, I think he is doing a Mom imitation... after a long day, ready for the spousal unit to come home... the phone rings and Mom picks up only to hear "I'm going to be an hour late..." Hence the arm across the forehead signifying a tough day and a deep breath being taken! :) Just my interpretation. Not that I've ever been there before or anything... :)