Friday, August 26, 2005

Who's Smarter, Moms or Computers?

Hello, this is Sticks. While my "mom" is busy battling hurricanes and try to get her house ready to be put on the market, I will be sitting in here and there. I'm excited. It's kind of like take your daughter to work day.

Several years ago, my youngest son, The Chowhound, was typing a report on the computer while I was cooking dinner. He kept asking me, "how do you spell (this), how do you spell (that)". Now, I am not a spelling bee type person. More like the write it down, look at it, and then check the dictionary type. After a dozen or so words, I mentioned that he could use the spell check on the computer. And, he pipes up with, "Oh, I am using it. I was just checking to see if it was right." Moms are smart and know all in the eyes of their children. At least until they become teenagers.


Lasciate said...


Harvey said...

Enjoy it while it lasts :-)