I have great neighbors. They have given my kids so many things. The last go round I got the picnic table. It is extremely nice. This time, a box full of plastic bugs and a jar of plastic snakes. Oh yaa. I think this may get more entertaining over time. A couple of those bugs look pretty real.

I wonder if maybe they aren't so great? I am trying to get my house ready to sell. What happens if one of those bugs gets seen by a potential buyer? GRIN
LOL! Just say the bugs are endangered species, and the government will never be able to take the property.
Maybe the neighbors do not want you to move.
this does give me an idea to blog about neighbors, although it could be a bad idea.....
Just wait until the little monsters, err...kids, figure out how to stand the table up on it's end so they can climb higher and jump farther!
Aww! Such cuties.
Gotta love neighbors like that!
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