Monday, June 12, 2006

Some Changes Have Happened

Uhhh. I guess I forgot to warn everyone. I'm making changes to my blog. I'm going to add a few categories and move things around. You'll notice that the blog roll is now at the bottom. There are two... just like before. Except the Bad Example Family is the blogroll that Harvey made for his 'family' to use. I kept missing people and have finally given up on hand adding them. The other list is the one for those not in his family. I hand make that list. If you are missing, please leave a comment or send me an email. Now is the time. I'm making changes.

More to come over the following week.


wRitErsbLock said...

blogroll me
/shameless begging

VW Bug said...

You shouldn't have to beg!! But to make you feel better... I see that I left my sister off as well. Geeze. Guess I have more work to do tonight.