First you have to stand in front of it, reach back, hold on and then push until your feet lift off the ground. (BTW, this leaves bruises on the back that look rather interesting... I am just glad he doesn't go shirtless).

= = = = = =
On the way back:

= = = = = =
And the last stage is hollaring for "elp Mommy, elp!":

= = = = = =
What amazes me is that half the time, he crawls out from under the chair before asking for help. Or even better, he crawls out and then screams. One of these days he is going to be hurt and I'm not going to believe it.
Side Note: I was looking up another word for Rocks (as in the Rocking Chair Rocks) and found THIS. Not exactly what I was expecting.
Ha ha ha! Hadn't thought of that (the jewels!)...
I've thought of moving our rocker out of the bedroom & into the living room. We'd have exactly the same situation... I'm sure!
Cute that he's smiling in the last pic. Don't you love that delayed cry?? ;-)
At least he keeps trying!
Love that! Brenna got a kid size wooden rocker for her birthday and she loves to stand on it to rock. She's been lucky so far. Soon it will crash and the tears will flow.
I love that little face under the rocker... :)
We have those same bruises here too :) It always amazes me at how flexible kids really are.
hahahah ROCKS.
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