Wednesday, October 27, 2004


The kids are still cute and doing cute things. Yesterday we had breakfast with Bou and the kids were great. #2 Son even let Bou stay with him at the table while I took #1 Son to the bathroom. That is a great accomplishment!

Will someone explain to me how to get #1 Son to ‘P’ in a toilet when I’m trying to hold him on it? He can’t seem to get comfortable and then won’t go. Of course it doesn’t help that I’m trying to make sure he doesn’t shift and ‘P’ on me in the process. Sigh. No, he is not quite tall enough to stand in front of it yet. At home, he has a little seat you put on the toilet seat and it works great.! Some other help would be appreciated. ;-) And this is a wonderful accomplishment for #1 Son, he asked to go!!!

1 comment:

Ogre said...

Lift him up? Try letting him stand in front of the toilets, drop his drawers, and just lift him up to reach it. Or he can just try aiming upwards in a nice arc...