Friday, September 02, 2005

Tot and legos

Notice how he takes apart the logos with his mouth.


caltechgirl said...

My DH plays with legos the same way.....

Marie said...

He is so adorable! I love the way his nose is with the block pressed into it!

Lasciate said...

Heh...hence, humans are arguably the smartest creatures on the planet. Run out of hands, just use your mouth...!

Very cute :)

GUYK said...

Yep! Looks like all boy to me. And, you're right, you are in so much troublllllle BUt don't worry, I grew out of it last year and so will he. Of course I was 62 last year---

Harvey said...

He's just being efficient :-)

And What Next... said...

Karnival of Kidz

Blogsis VW starts this week's Karnival of Kidz with Tot's ability to improvise. So many legos, not enough hands! PrimoDonna got to spend some quality time with the grandkids at the fair. She left out what her favorite ride was!...