Tuesday, September 13, 2005

First Adventure of Super Pickle Boy

Imagine it's the first week of school, with new classmates, a new teacher and a new chance to be Super Pickle Boy. Just last week you were doing belly flops into the pool and it felt just like you were flying. It's recess, time to show everyone you are Super Pickle Boy. Get to the top of the slide and JUMP! Belly flop right to the ground.

Of course, Mom walks up just as they are leaving the playground. Seems as Tater's class was delayed leaving because the manager had to be called to come check out Tater. The teacher, Miss P, was talking non-stop to me when she saw me. Saying things like, "He looks like he is ok", "There doesn't seem to be any blood", "I check under his shirt to make sure his belly was ok", and more. Eventually, I heard the story of why this was happening. I had to laugh. Somehow I don't think that was quite the reaction she expected. But then again, she hasn't seen him fall 4 feet off the fort backwards and get up to try what he was doing again.

More adventures coming soon...


ArmyWifeToddlerMom said...

OMG, that sort of stunt would kill most adults...

Richmond said...

Reason #4,136 that I believe all children are made of some combination of rubber and teflon. Good grief! I'm glad he was okay....

Bou said...

The boy needs a cape!

Worst phone call I ever got from the school, other than yesterday, "Mrs. L, I'm calling about Son#2. Don't worry... he never lost consciousness." Lovely.

Ben said...

Oh, I expect there will be MANY more adventures coming soon.

And hopefully nothing else more than a few band-aids.