Thursday, September 29, 2005

Tater takes a Photo

Ever wondered what a 3 year old would take a picture of if he had a camera? I did NOT crop this picture in any way.

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Bou said...

This makes total sense. This is what the kid sees. The world as Tater sees it!

Now shoot at his knees and you get the world as Tot sees it!

Contagion said...

I think you took this picture... We all know where your mind focuses. :)

oddybobo said...

Well, at least it saved you from having to put the dreaded black box over dad's face.

ArmyWifeToddlerMom said...

Yup witness relocation program for sure

Marie said...

Cute! He wanted to show everyone your floor!

We have the exact same cabinet-thingys as you...

Harvey said...

Heh. Looks like one of MY pictures :-)

VW Bug said...

Bou: I wouldn't trust Tot with the camera. ;-)

Contagion: Yep, that is always were my mind happens to be, but I did not take this picture.

Oddybobo: snicker... Didn't think about that at the time.

AWTM: Hmmmmmm... I'll have to think about that one.

Marie: That was our second set. Tater figured out the first type we put on.

Harvey: You like taking pictures with no heads? Hmmmmmm.... I bet you take them from the waist to the neck. GRIN.