Thursday, September 22, 2005

Gross Me Out

Catchy Title huh? Wait till you hear what happened. Ready? Yesterday, Tot and I were playing with the legos. And he was being a good boy and picking the ones up off the floor that he had dropped. Even better, he was handing them to me with a little impish grin. I love that grin.

After he picked them all up, he bent down and picked up something else. I couldn’t see, but wasn’t worried about it. I put my hand out and thought he was going to drop a wheel from a Hot Wheels car into it. Talk about way off base. It was a semi-squished still wiggling roach about the size of a dime. It took everything in my power not to scream and throw it. I am TERRIFIED of roaches. He could have given me ANYTHING else. Frog, Lizard, Spider, Ant, Slug… ANYTHING else. Nope, a semi-squished still wiggling roach. Ugh.

I did not scream, but I did end up throwing it over to the corner of the room. I got up, ran to the bathroom and got some Purell. Lot’s of Purell. Cleaned my hands and got back just in time to stop Tot from picking it up a.g.a.i.n. I then cleaned his hands with Purell. I didn’t think washing with water would be enough. And successfully distracted Tot from the more interesting semi-squished trying to crawl bug with a Baby Einstein video. I let him pick the video. Phew.

I am still grossed out about it. I must have washed my hands with soap and water or Purell 20 times already today after that incident. Eeewwwwwwww. I still don’t know which is worse, this story, or the time I found half a roach in Tater’s mouth. Please tell me other parents have these moments.


Contagion said...

I guess I'll keep my roach eating stories to myself then.

oddybobo said...

Bugs don't bother me so much, I'm glad too, cause the boy is absolutely enamoured with bugs!

Marie said...

I think the bugs are my least favorite thing about Florida. Granted, I've never been there for a hurricane! I still remember the cruuuuunch of an enormous crusty bug in my shoe on one of our FL trips as a kid. Ick!

A roach in the mouth?! I'm gasping for air! There isn't enough Purell on the planet...

Richmond said...

My oldest would gag if her cereal was a teeny lumpy but one day I noticed a strange gray substance around her mouth -- she had picked up a MOTH and stuffed it in. Yuck! :0

Lasciate said...

Well, I'm not a parent, but I own One Happy Cat who likes to bring presents like that around...and if you're not paying attention, he'll sometimes just flip it to you like an expert golfer.

Stacy said...

Well, let me tell you, you've got a lot of changing to do. With boys it will only get worse. I'm so far past that now that it's humourous. Start small, roly-polies or something. When you have to kill a mouse to feed to their snake, you'll remember this story you posted. ;)

Bou said...

Blech. My skin is crawling just thinking about that.

VW Bug said...

Contagion: Oh no... please share them. I would love to hear someone else having such problems.

Richmond: Ugh. Moth sounds better than a roach.

Stacy: Funny, but I really can handle just about any other bug. I have even picked them up to show them to my kids... I just have a thing about roaches.

Lasciate: Ohhhh. I don't know what I would do if we had a cat too. I know at the barn I use to work, there was a cat that would bring me 'presents'. Nothing like having to pet the cat and tell it that it was a good cat when it dropped a half eaten mouse at your feet. Still prefer that to roaches!

Sissy said...

I would ahve passed out....right there....

Eh! Just Eh!

teeny said...

Ähnlich alt ist das Rheinische Schiefergebirge, dessen Entstehung auf Silur