Monday, September 26, 2005

The Afternoon Out

While the Open House was happening, we went to Lion Country Safari... I forgot the camera, but luckily I had my cell phone. The quality is not that good, but you can still see the little guys.

Tater is in the hole for the picture, Tot is off to the side sticking his head through another hole. Tot is able to move faster than Mom. I know this because I tried to get over to get Tot's picture and as soon as I got the phone up, he took off.

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Tater is such a ham!

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Tot was finally willing to get his picture taken while Dad was with him... but look who sneaked in!

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Harvey said...

Is this done by the same company that does "Holy Crap. Lions!" Tours? :-)

Not Exactly Rocket Science said...

I feel like crap

There are few things worse than having a cold. Or if you heard me say that, it would be more like this: There are few thigs wurz thad habbig a code. Every year when school starts all the new germs...

Ogre said...

Which one does it look like more -- the cartoon version or the live version?

VW Bug said...

Questions, questions, and today I have no answers. It was fun. One of the male lions decided to mark a tree as we drove by... Tater thought he was trying to pee on us.