Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Is It Just Me?

Or does anyone else get messages like this when they get into gmail?

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P.S. Mom leaves Friday morning. I hope to be posting like normal on Saturday or Sunday (if they aren't already bringing people to the house).


Marie said...

Oh my gosh! I haven't noticed... I must look!!!

Sticks said...

I had to go look too. Nope, nothing that special on mine. What have you been searching for them to focus on that?

caltechgirl said...

I've had those for a while. Look in your spam folder, you'll find spam recipes. They're adding them to gmail a few at a time, in the order in which people got gmail accts., so I've had them a long time. Totally cool.

GUYK said...

I have noticed some stange stuff on my site meter from the Dept of Homeland Security to a search for adultry when it is hot and sultry. Strange people out there. BEWARE

Harvey said...

Bug... that's strictly a YOU thing :-)