Saturday, September 24, 2005

Go Ahead, Ask Away

I stuck my foot in it and can't seem to shake it loose. I volunteered to be 'interviewed' over at Basil's. What I really said was "If you are desperate, you can interview me". What I got back was that he was not desperate, but I opened my mouth and he was going to hold me to it.

Then I get a note asking me to be a guinea pig be the first one interviewed. He wanted to use me make this up as he goes along and thought I would be malleable flexible to any changes.

What he doesn't realize is who will be sending in the questions. And they aren't going to care it is not anonymous. Go for it. Help Basil out and send me some questions. Anything goes. Me, my kids, my blog... How often I go out on a date with my hubby to how much I weigh. The only thing I see happening is some strange questions coming in from my family and friends from my past. There are some things I will NOT tell... GRIN... at least not in my blog. Then again, there are some things I will tell that might shock you. ;-) The only way you are going to find out is by Sending.In.Questions.

Basil makes it easy... go to THIS POST and click on vw bug. Up comes your email with everything filled in for you.


Sissy said...

Hehe, I asked some good ones :-)

GUYK said...

I just realized that you might not recognize the e mail but I sent three the second deals with high high is up.

Richmond said...

You are brave. Very, very brave......... :)

ArmyWifeToddlerMom said...

I asked NICE questions, but wanted to ask naughty ones......

VW Bug said...

Sissy: I'm looking forward to them.
GUYK: I'll try to remember that in a week!
AWTM: Ask the naughty ones... I might answer them. GRIN

Richmond: Brave was not the word I thought of when he said he was going to interview me. ;-) ;-)