Friday, September 02, 2005


I haven't been blogging because my mom is down and we have been working hard at getitng the house ready to sell. But I can't stand it. I'm taking a break and writing this post. There are a TON of people out there putting stuff up about groups supporting those from the hurricane or the soldiers. These all touch me close to home. Ogre has good info, go over and page through his posts to find what interests you. So does Laughing Wolf, do the same. Bou has some stuff from my old home, Myrtle Grove Baptist Church took in refugees, Army Wife is trying to get techie help. Go check out those links. See if you can help out. With Time, Clothes, Food and/or Money.

PS. I started this at 6am and it is now 11am. This is why I don't post!


There is a post at Letters from NYC that includes how to check out a charitable organization for integrity. Click HERE to read it.


ArmyWifeToddlerMom said...

Thanks for taking 5 hours to give me the linkage.....darn'it anyway.

Ben said...

Take your time taking care of your mom. The blog, and those who read it, will still be here!

Best wishes to you both.