Saturday, December 09, 2006

Grocery Stores and Maggots

Learning how to decifer what your son is saying is one of the those experiences you wish you didn't have to do. Like the other day in the car. We had just dropped Tater off at preschool and it was just Tot and I. Off to the grocery store we go. On the way Tot said he wanted to "go to ToysRus". Nope, we are going to the grocery store to buy bananas, chicken, onions and the like.

Tot: I want maggots.
Mom: Maggots????
Tot: Maggots.
Mom: Do you mean magic? Like in tricks?
Tot: No, maggots.
Mom: Ok, do you mean bugs?
Tot: No mom
Mom: Maggots, maggots... how about magnets? Things that stick together?
Tot: Yes! Maggots.
Mom: I'm not sure they have mag-nets at the grocery store, we can look.

But that first picture in my mind of maggots and grocery sure did make it harder to figure out what he was saying. Sigh.


Roses said...

Note to self: Can't eat at VW Bug's house. Children prefer maggots...

Bou said...

Holy crap. That is hysterical!

If Tot won't put things in his mouth... try Magnetix. We'll talk...

Harvey said...

Maggots... you know... those things that stick to the refrigerator...

If you throw 'em hard enough :-)