Note the date and time: Aug 31 at 2:45pm EST... sigh....

About this blog: It will mainly be about my two sons, Tater (the elder) and Tot (the younger), along with other miscellaneous items as I see fit. Come along and enjoy the insane yet fun trip of watching two young boys slowly drive their mother over the edge.
Because while the demand for fuel ethanol could wane if the automotive industry embraces other technology, "the demand for liquor and mouthwashes and cough syrups will always be there," said Hans van Leeuwen, a civil, construction and environmental engineering professor who is working with Koziel on the project.
Why do hard-boiled eggs spoil faster than raw eggs?
A hen puts a protective coating (called the bloom) on the egg as she lays it. The bloom keeps contaminants from entering pores in the shell (eggshells have up to 17,000 pores). Processing plants wash the eggs and coat them with mineral oil to replace the bloom. This protective coating is removed when you wash or boil the egg.
Hard-boiled eggs should be kept in the refrigerator and eaten within 5 days.
eggIf you leave hard boiled eggs in the fridge any longer than this and the salmonella risk starts to rise very quickly.
The reason hard boiled eggs dont last as long as raw eggs is that in cooking the eggs, a natural protective chemical layer (produced by the mother hen) is washed off the porous eggshell, allowing germs to enter.
One the subject of eggs, here is the definitive guide to...
The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism.
The first loud crackle tastes and feels like popcorn, but by the time the juices spray wildly in your mouth and the filament-like legs slide down your throat, there's no mistaking this toasted ant queen.
"In France, they're so highly regarded people started calling them the caviar of Santander," said Stephane Le Tirant, curator at the Montreal Insectarium.
Here's the deal. All emails with questions submitted in August will get thrown into a hat (now I have to go buy a hat). At the end of August, I'll pick one email. Randomly. Actually, I'll count the number of emails submitted in August, then have Excel or something generate a random number from 1 to that number. Then that number email (counting from the top) will be the winner.
The prize? Well, the Catfish T-shirts are all reserved for another giveaway. So, we'll give away a DVD from Which DVD? Well, I'll let the winner choose. As long as it's reasonable and in stock. I'll buy it and send it out to the winner.
How's that sound? Good old fashioned bribery.