For the first time in two years, I got 'launched'... Instapundit linked to me... Wow. And then I realized there were so many links I couldn't list them all without it taking all night. I have hosted the Carnival of Recipes three times and this is the very first time I have had so many hits in one day. Thank you to everyone that participated and for those who linked to me. Wow. Just Wow.
Guess I really ought to look at my stats more than once every six months. I didn't realize I had so many readers even before yesterday... Maybe I ought to take a poll and see what everyone likes to see most? Naaaa. You can always leave a comment.
Congrats on getting Evil Glenn's attention - something I've never been able to do.
As for the poll... I like boobies :-)
I hear you VW!!! My hits went through the roof last week after hosting the Carnival. I even had a link from MSNBC which gave me traffic like I've never seen before! I was completely blown away... fun, huh?
LOL - congrats on the Instalanche - it's exciting to see isn't it. *grin*
and I'm supposed to follow that? Gee teach me to volunteer after you.
I want you to continue blogging about your life and family. Between you and Bou, I'm getting a peek into what my childhood was probably like. I don't remember any of it. I've never appreciated how tough it was for my mom until I began learning what you two (and other moms) go through every day.
Y'all are frickin' amazing.
Of course we like the recipe carnival best of all but the jokes are welcome as well.
Bill from wfr
Whoohoo!! :)
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