Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Another Birth in Progress

Life is a little strange in the blog world. I am my sister's mother. And while emailing to Sticks, she mentioned that

Since she and I are sisters and you and she are sisters that make you and I sisters? This family tree must be of the ficus variety because we are a twisted bunch.

I couldn't see say it better myself. What is this all about? My sister, Tink, has decided to start a blog. I am psyched!!! She is smart, witty and has a great twisted sense of humor.

She has the traditional sucky first post. And she was brave enough to post a picture of me without any help. Probably because I would have said NO NO NO. Ahhh. The difficulties of having an older sister as a child.

Please go welcome Tink to the blogosphere at

Tink's Tribulations

Side Note: I realize from this that I have been adding people to my RSS reader but not on my site. If you are missing from my side bar, please let me know. I will try to add people over the next couple of days.


oddybobo said...

Whoo! Hoo!

Richmond said...

Oh fun!! :)

caltechgirl said...


Bad Example said...


Bloggranddaughter VW Bug of One Happy Dog Speaks has brought a bouncing baby blogdaughter into the world. In accordance with recent Bad Example Family Tree Trunk tradition, her daughter is actually her sister. Tink of Tink's Tribulations Cue the banjo...