And yes, she really did make these:

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This is just the way she puts stuff together... isn't it grand? Wish I had gotten those genes from her.

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My mom did pass this talent on to my other sisters. Here is proof... Tink crossstitched this Angel.

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I can fix a vacuum but not put together a bunch of Christmas decorations and make it look great. Maybe my boys will be better at it than I am. I can always hope.
I love Christmas decorations. . .
Don't feel bad, I have no artistic ability what so ever. I can't draw, sculpt, sing, play an instrument, make any type of craft, etc. I'm so bad that I'm a black hole of talent. People that are artistic find themselves loosing their ability when in my presence.
Awww c'mon! Your tree was really cute!
I can relate.... I bet they're glad you can fix things for them though!!!
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