Friday, May 20, 2005

No posting on Saturday, May 21st

You saw that title correctly. I will be getting up at 3:30am to catch a 6am flight back to my own home. I woke up this morning with the left side of my face slightly swollen, a headache, a lowgrade fever, every upper tooth on the left side hurting and the awful thought of having to fly. Yep, I have a sinus infection. It will certainly add some entertainment to the flight home.

Saturday I plan on crashing. No blogging, no cleaning house, just sleep and relaxation (or as much as I can get with 2 small children). I may get on long enough to read some blogs, but as with this week... very little comments. I do have a plan to go back and link to some of the ones I read because they have been funny lately. But that won't happen until later next week.

Enjoy your Saturday of freedom! GRIN.

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