Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Negligent In My Duties

What? Yaa, I know it’s hard to believe that I would ever forget anything or be delinquent in getting something done. BaaHaaaHaaa. And if you believe that one I have some swamp land to sell you. Oh Wait. I do own swamp land. How about, if you believe that I’ll sell you the Brooklyn Bridge cheap?

I have missed posting information on other blogs that have done a fantastic job. Pamibe put up the Recipes of Carnival last Friday and it is magnificent. Everything from Sausage Biscuit Bites to Cheese Grits Soufflé to Tax Return Dinner. Really, you gotta check it out.

I sent out some ‘Memes about books’ to be done and here they are:

Tara at Whimsy Capricious has not only answered the questions, but given us some insight to her parents.

Connor at Jennifer’s World has a variety he likes to read, including computer screens.

I see that http://badexample.mu.nu/ Grandpappy Harvey has started a Meme on Books from the Dog’s point of view.

Gotta run, the roofers sound like they are falling in from above.

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