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Here is a hint for those planning to going to Disney? get breakfast reservations for early 8am in the morning at Crystal Palace (or any other place that will let you in before the park opens). You get to go in before the ?9am? insanity. They block off the access to the ride areas, but if you finish your breakfast before the 9am opening, you can be standing at the blocked off ride areas first.
Our breakfast was at 9:05, so it didn?t make a difference other than we got to get in early and just walk around the stores. It was nice not having a huge crowd all around you. We also got a nice picture of the castle and us

So... let me guess... favorite spousal insult is "You Blockhead!"?
Maybe you guys can look into having those Blockheads removed for Christmas!
I can't wait to take my little guy there some day... when he's a little older!
That is a GREAT picture. black blocks and all. ;-)
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