Tuesday, February 15, 2005


I remember when (sounds like I’m really old now!) I use to set myself milestones for the year, for the next couple of days and occasionally what I would be doing for the day. Now they look something like this:

For the next week:
1. Get #2 Son through the teething process. He has 4 molars all coming out at the same time.
2. Get all kids over being sick. Both kids are on antibiotics and nebulizer.
3. Get mom over being sick. Mom is on her second set of antibiotics in a month.

For the day:
1. Do at least one load of laundry.
2. Feed everyone.
3. Remember to look for the humor in things (yes, I have to remind myself to do this).
4. Remember to get something out for dinner.

Amazing but I can’t have more than 3 or 4 items or nothing will be done. So what does your milestone list look like?


Ogre said...

My list tends to include only things I actually have control over -- not things like tiny micro-organizms that infect bodies that I absolutely cannot affect. Especially kids -- they're sick, they'll get over it, don't waste time thinking you can force them to get over it. Heck, next thing you'll be trying to convince yourself that you can ensure they will never eat dirt!

Darrell said...

I need a short list also, and if it doesn't have to be done today, I'll skip it.

vw bug said...

Ogre: I should have said I need to remember to give them their medicine to help them get over being sick. I already missed one nebulizer treatment today. Ugh. Luckily I don't care if they eat dirt, I just remove bugs from the mouth. Grin.

anselm: Nice to see someone else needs a short list... should have seen mine before kids though!

Caltechgirl said...

Well, for me today was
1) go over presentation with advisor
2) fix problems with rat housing
3)Pay bills
4) get prescription refills called in
5) get dog food

and I managed to get that done, seems like I did a lot, even though it really wasn't. Now if I could just make time to excercise and clean my house....

Jody said...

My list includes a load of laundry (yep, one usually takes much of the day), washing any dishes that I didn't do the night before, moving my laptop from the living room to my newly finished office (I've been trying to do that one for weeks). #1 though is cuddling the baby. I spend most of my day doing that...