Thursday, February 24, 2005

Boys will be… a PITA

(PITA = Pain In The .ss)

I thought spitting was bad. Now I have a tackling, throwing, scratching little monster. Ok, BIG monster. #1 Son has learned how to tackle his brother to the ground and lay on him. If that doesn’t work, he grabs the back of his shirt and throws him to the ground and then lays on him. And if Mom comes over, scratching her purposely on the arm is the next best thing to make her get boiling mad if the other two items didn’t work. I am truly amazed at myself for not taking #1 Son and throwing him outside and locking the door or beating his butt until it was red as a lobster. How I remained calm, must be a mother hormone thing. It had to have kicked in about the time I looked at my arm, because I was definitely on the edge of total anger.

No one warned me about this part. Did any of you act like terrors as children but grow up to be ‘reasonable’ adults? What did your parents do to you? I’m hinting that I need help!


Tammi said...

OK - I was a horrible child. Just ask my mother. Oh, I was good in public, but at home...well let's just say it wasn't pretty.

Mom's secret? Cold water.

She kept a pitcher of water in the fridge. First time I pulled one of my tantrums (and I was around 3 at the time). She went over, poured a glass (partial) and threw it on me. Then handed me a towel, told me to clean it up and then get up stairs. 2nd time - I got more water and the same follow up.

There was no third time.

All she had to do was walk towards the kitchen.

Sounds kinda cruel on paper, but it "beat" the alternatives.

Jennifer said...

Are you sure your #1 son hasn't been secretly emailing my boy? Because that is what Connor does to his 11 month old sister! How olds #1 son again? Have you read Juner's Blog? (in my People to See) list? Go take a look. ;) Boys will be boys I guess, but yeah someone could have warned us about this stuff eh? I caught one episode of Supernanny and I've been trying the "get in your spot" route.. ( she calls it a Naughty spot, but that just sounds euww) So far it's been working somewhat.

I ask my mom,my aunts, older experienced woman I meet who have raised boys and they all seem to have forgotten what they were like from the ages of 2-7. hmmm hopefully that means that as they get older they become better???? Hey I can hope can't I :)

Take care hun and GOOD LUCK!

vw bug said...

Tammi, _Jon, If either of my kids come out as nice, witty, and fun - I'll have done a good job... typing with squirmy #2 in arms.

Jennifer - must be by osmosis or because of the phase of the moon. GRIN. If my 2 year old is sending email, I'm in trouble.

Anonymous said...

My parents just locked me in the basement with the rats and threw me scraps of food until I outgrew my feral stage.

I turned out *twitch* fine :-)

Ogre said...

They're boys. That's what they do. My brother (older) put my head through the wall and threw me out of a second-story window, and I'm fine, too. Or at least that's what I tell myself...then again, I was in the Marines...

Jody said...

Seriously, are you and my sister parenting the same children? Her 3 yr old is doing those things, too. Maybe it's the age??

Anonymous said...

Where's Bou... LOL. Yeah, this is boy stuff and very normal. What you want to do is allow them their rough and tumble as long as they aren't going to break things and hurt themselves or someone else. When my daughter was 6 and my son was 2, he would get mad at her and charge down the hall after her - and tackle her!!! Needless to say there was much screaming and crying involved. But hitting mom... that's a HUGE no-no and calls for immediate bed time! (and an apology once they calm down *grin*)

I have 2 neighbor boys - they are great kids - constantly wrestling and tackling each other when outside. Also, finding new and better ways to make things go crash. The best one yet... they each have one of those scooters with the handlebars. They alternately, stand at the base of their driveway and see how far they can throw them (over and over again). Or they go to opposite ends of the sidewalk (about the width of their house) face each other, and then scoot the scooters as fast as they can toward each other. Just before impact they both jump off into the grass. It's pretty much a hoot to watch.

So, just realize that most boys (not all but most) are very physical. It's part of their nature. It's something that most girls have a hard time understanding because we mostly don't have a need to bash things to have fun. If son #1 is really out of control when he does this... maybe his punishment should be to go run around the house as fast as he can about 4 or 5 times. Just to work off some of that energy. Good Luck.