I had some pictures I have been meaning to put out this week, so here are a couple to show you that despite everything, they are still cuties.
You’ll see #1 Son picking up 6 blocks without them blasting out of his hands everywhere:

Now you’ll see when he couldn’t press them together right:

Here are the two of them playing together. Notice, no one is pulling hair, pushing, kicking or shoving. Phew.

From one mom to another I know how you feel... I was sick like that over Christmas... If I could pop over and babysit for you while you got some rest I would :) Take care and feel better soon :) My goodnes your kids are so cute. That gorgeous blonde hair!
Looking at the photos... I'm guessing that if your two and my sister's two ever got together there would be mass destruction. They are all just a little too cute with that mischevious glint in their eyes.
I appreciate the offer! Wish you did live closer. What a blast the kids would be having. Luckily it is the weekend and my Husband will be around to help out.
No pulling hair, pushing, kicking or shoving?
Maybe they ARE sick :-)
Hope you're feeling better by now and that the little guys are too. Take care, keep your feet up, and drink plenty of fluids :)
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