Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tater and Tot keep up the work

Our days are busy around here. Today is 'Science' day. Monday was Reading, Tuesday was Math and Wednesday was 'Media' (aka pc). Here is an example of what we have done this week:

First up... Tater:

I have no pictures of PC day... but here is Tot's work:

And in the evenings, when I'm not doing genealogy research or playing Indy on the Wii... I'm trying to figure out assignments for the kids. Since they are at different levels, it requires different work... my biggest problem for next week is the theme... what should the theme be??? It was snakes this week... I make crafts with the theme as well as read books... any ideas? Something simple please!


Quality Weenie said...

Well you know Flag Day is saturday, maybe next week could be Flag week!

One Happy Dog Speaks » Win a Prize - from ME! said...

[...] crafts that are fairly easily done by a 5 year old. You can see examples in my previous posts about Snakes and this week being Trains and probably the American Flag next week (thanks to Quality Weenie). I [...]