Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Laptop Died

Blogging, reading blogs, emails will be slow. I can only get to my hubby's computer in the morning and at night. As it is I have Tater beside me trying to drive me nuts. I can't watch the kids in this room, it has too much stuff for them to get into... sigh... guess maybe I'll only be getting to this computer after the kids are asleep.

I am very upset. I had not backed up my laptop for 4 months. 4 months of pictures. Sigh.


Marie said...

Oh crap, VW! That's the thing about digitals... you're reminding me it's time to backup!

Good luck!!

oddybobo said...

maybe they can still be retrieved somehow! I hope so!

Richmond said...

Oh honey... I am so sorry!