Thursday, September 23, 2004

Blog Entries May Be Sparce

Looks like I have to get ready for Hurricane Jeanne. Freezing milk, getting clothes washed, pick out what to bag in case house gets wet, and so on. Besides the fact I have 2 appointments tomorrow that must be kept. Oh well, part of the fun (merriment? excitement?) of living in Florida. Already waited 25 minutes in line for gas today and one of my appointments is in Wellington. For those not in Florida, it's a 30 to 45 minute drive and will take lots of gas. Blah.

Ok, time for sleep (it's 9pm) and time to relax before the insanity starts tomorrow.


Ogre said...

Most importantly, don't let them move the Dolphins game to Saturday! Since moving from Florida, I only get to see them on DirectTV's Sunday Ticket, and they're too lazy to get it to for Saturday games!

(Just kidding, good luck with all the mess, I know firsthand what they're like. I was there in Broward when Andrew ripped through the Broward-Dade line).

Bou said...

See, now if you lived where I lived, then the trip to Wellington would be... wait. It would still be 30 minutes because Wellington IS IN BFE!!! Grr! I hate going out there and I refuse to go to that mall. Too daggum far away.