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And if you need something to waste some time... try
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Extreme Redneck:
The Halloween pumpkin on your porch has more teeth than your spouse.
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And some fun pumpkin carvings:

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(family: no this is NOT me.)
About this blog: It will mainly be about my two sons, Tater (the elder) and Tot (the younger), along with other miscellaneous items as I see fit. Come along and enjoy the insane yet fun trip of watching two young boys slowly drive their mother over the edge.
A bright child with twinkling eyes, Ashlyn was eager to learn, and the neighborhood school had a great reputation. But by November, Ashlyn, then 5, wasn't measuring up. No matter how many times she was tested, she couldn't read the 130-word list her teacher gave her: words like "our," "house" and "there." She became so exhausted and distraught over homework?including a weekly essay on "my favorite animal" or "my family vacation"?that she would put her head down on the dining-room table and sob.
For elementary-school students, Cooper found that "the average correlation between time spent on homework and achievement ? hovered around zero." In Kohn's book, he highlights a 1998 study that Cooper and his colleagues did with second- through 12th-graders. For younger students, the amount of homework completed had no effect on test scores and bore a negative relationship to grades.
The researchers analyzed data from the Third International Study of Mathematics and Sciences (TIMSS), which in 1994 collected a large amount of data from schools in 41 nations across the fourth, eighth and 12th grades. For some analyses, they employed figures from the TIMSS 99, an identical study carried out in 1999 with 50 nations.
Their findings indicated a frequent lack of positive correlation between the average amount of homework assigned in a nation and corresponding level of academic achievement. For example, many countries with the highest scoring students, such as Japan, the Czech Republic and Denmark, have teachers who give little homework. "At the other end of the spectrum, countries with very low average scores -- Thailand, Greece, Iran -- have teachers who assign a great deal of homework," Baker noted.
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