Monday, August 23, 2004

Radio waves? Power grids?

I always wonder what I am subjected myself and my children to in this world. Just recently I started thinking about all the wireless equipment we have now a days. Most people have cell phones and cordless phones… so we start getting the radio waves here. More and more people are getting wireless networks at home for the computers. So more radio waves. Then there is the monitors for babies that are ‘wireless’. And the list continues.

Recently I did a search on the web for danger and wireless equipment. Amazing what came up… but nothing that I was interested in seeing. Then the other night on the discovery channel, I stopped to see what was on and discovered that a man had put out hundreds of fluorescent lights under a huge power line setup. He hooked them all together with wires but supplied no power. He didn’t have to! They all lit up. I am not sure what time of night it was they did the shooting of this information but you could see them all. Ok, ok, you say what does this power grid have to do with radio waves? It is the fact that both are something you can’t see, but are all around you. How do you know how it is effecting you? Does it matter? Somehow it does matter to me. Not a lot… but enough that every month or so I go on a hunt for information. I hope that one day they show it has no effect on you at all… until that time – I’ll keep looking with different search criteria, some brainiac has got to put something out one day, and when I find something, I’ll let you know.

1 comment:

Bou said...

Do you remember the time I was pregnant with Son#1 and I had someone from Facilities come out to my desk with this whacked out wand that looked like pingpong paddle and measure the waves that came out from my computer as well as the computer behind my head? Remember how we were all squished together in the bull pen? Damn. Even though he kept swearing I was fine, between the 20" screen 2 inches from my skull in the back and the 20" screen 6 inches from my face, I still wonder how much we really know. Then all those guys started getting cancer in my area... brain cancer and stuff. Bleh!