Odd, but having him go to school didn't bother me. I knew he would do fine and that they would get him to the right place eventually... besides, I broke down and called the school and verified the bus arrived.
It was the waiting until 2:44pm for the bus to come back to see if he got on the right bus and got home... that was driving me crazy. Yes, the bus was late... Oh... he made it. Thank goodness. It made me smile when he walked off the bus and he had a sticker across his chest with 'Bus #XX' on it. And another one on his wrist with the same information. Guess they really want to get him on the right bus as well.
Here are some pictures from when we were waiting at the bus stop:

I know you win the stressed out contest, afterall, it is your son. But I came in a damn close second, with my boys trailing not so far behind me. "Mom, he's riding THE BUS?! By HIMSELF?!!" Heh. They're impressed.
I added, "And getting off the bus, and finding his class, and sitting in it with new kids, and listening to a new teacher he doesn't know, and eating in a cafeteria not with Mom and Tot, and getting on his bus, and getting off at the right stop..."
All day I kept watching my watch, wondering what that little dude was doing.
Wow VW bug.... I don't mean to be rude or anything but..... what happened to your face. I didn't expect you to be so....... dark.
I remember when Elderspawn was in first grade, the first couple of weeks I met him at his bus stop when he arrived home everyday. After that, I figured he knew by then where his bus stop was and would get off considering he had ridden the bus the previous year and the route was the same.
Big mistake. The very first day I wasn't there he ended up having to ride the bus for the whole entire route. Then the bus driver dropped him off at our house. Boy, was I on that phone to the school and they were on the radio to the bus. Very scary!
Needless to say, I was down there everyday after that for the rest of the year.
On a side note, at least your son has a bus to ride, and the teachers always make sure they get on the correct buses at the end of the day. Youngerspawn started pre-k on Thursday at a new school this year and has yet to have busing assigned to and from school. I had to take off work the first two days and take him to and from school. My mom's getting him there and back tomorrow. We'll see what happens after that. Maybe Tuesday they say. Grr... what a pain in the rear.
Bou: yaa, I know what you mean about looking at the watch.
Lukie: Oh... it is this weird thing about being on blogs, my face turns black and rectangular.
Maranda: I am sure if I ever miss a day, he will not get off the bus. As much as we have talked about land marks, I think he will look for me instead. We'll see... the first time it rains. ;-)
Awwww. Y'all are so adorable. 2:44? That's a long day, huh? (for him)
I knew you'd survive!
When I was teaching first grade, I had a little boy fresh from Scotland. (I loved the way he said 'green...it was 'gah-rrreeeen'). He fell asleep on the bus on the way home the first day. Mom watched the bus pull away just as a little blonde head appeared in the window as he woke up.
(The bus did bring him right back!)
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