Tot has a tendency to move it around. He will also make sure it is always upright if it falls over. I watch him do it. Someone goes by it and knocks it over, he will walk over and put it upright.
I was walking by it the other day and it fell over. I was so surprised when I realized I had bent over to sit it upright. Thot boy is getting me trained.
Its a jedi-mind trick, try to resist!
I wondered where I left that...
We have this plastic lizard that we leave laying around the house. Whoever finds it is supposed to move it to another location. Special recognition to anyone who comes up with a creative place (especially if it startles someone). I once sticky tacked the tail to the inside of a milk carton lid of a gallon of milk that was about gone.
What the heck is that? A green plastic toy turd?
Contagion: it is a catepillar... I am surprised you didn't recognize it. I figured you had a ton of them. ;-)
Wow, that's impressive. I agree with Oddy, it's a Jedi Mind trick, and you must resist!
A ton of these? I have three boys and we don't have one! What a great boy toy, though. We have plenty of plastic bugs and snakes...
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