This is not about trimming nose hairs. This is about two overly active children tormenting one another. And on one car trip, Tot was trying to fall asleep and Tater kept touching him. I warned Tater I would stop the car and put him in a time out if he didn't stop. He stopped. My first moment of disbelief.
About 10 minutes later, I hear Tot fussing again. I look in the rearview mirror and see Tater touching the top of Tot's head. Again I tell him to stop. Then for some odd reason, I ask "what are you doing?". Tater tells me that he is putting boogers in Tot's hair. In a rather reasonable voice, I again emphasize that he should stop touching his brother. Not a word about the boogers. Mainly because there is a disbelief that he was picking his nose and doing this.
Mom was wrong. As I go to get Tot out of the car seat when we get home... much to my surprise... there were t.w.o. LARGE boogers in Tot's hair. Absolutely gross. I will not doubt Tater when he tells me what he is doing again. And poor Tot will never want his hair washed again by Mom. GRIN
ewwwwwwww....the kids have yet to discover the grossness of boooogers.....ick.
Clone likes to walk up and hand buggers to Ktreva.
Oh.... ick! ick! ick! Poor Tot!!!
I'm sorry.. I just have to giggle at this :)
LOL! Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's day!
Ewwwwwww. **giggle** EWWWWWWW!
*cackle!* That's funny....wrong, but funny!
Honestly - I woulda smacked the kid.
Picnic 2006-02-16
Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.
E. M. Zanotti (The American Princess) looks at Hackett's withdrawal
Confederate Yankee continues looking for the Cigarette Smoking Man
Gun-Toting Liberal says Dick and Dubya handle things diff...
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