Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A Little Help Unpacking

Nothing like having a little help as you unpack and put stuff up in the cabinets. Here is Tot showing Mom the right way to do this job:

= = = =

Might as well get all the way into the job and make sure every spot is used:

Nothing like kids to keep you busy when you are moving into a place... and yes, he took stuff out, put stuff in, moved it around and generally kept me busier with his "assistance". But I just couldn't say no.


armywifetoddlermom said...

unpacking the house with 2 toddlers?

where is the mini bar?

Jody Halsted said...

Hey! You have cabinet monsters, too!

Angela said...

Hey! That looks familiar. I think I will have the same kind of helpers myself in a couple of months. They sure are cute when they "help", aren't they? Mine "helped" me paint today.

Richmond said...

Ahhh... the joys of unpacking. I hope that it is all going well though. :) You have cute, cute helpers!