Friday, February 17, 2006

Is Envy a Sin

If it is, then I guess I just committed a sin. Sleeping in a sunny spot. Yep, I'm envious of our Happy Dog:

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I love our new back porch... so does he. Ahhh the good life.


oddybobo said...

Ah the life!

GUYK said...

Yea buddy. Miss sassie likes to sleep on the back part of the couch where she can snnoze in the sun or look out the window if she so desires.

pam said...

Aaawwwww.... How sweet!

MathCog Idiocy said...

My big boy follows the sun as it moves from one spot in the house to another. He's officially jealous of your porch. :-)

Harvey said...

Does this mean you're changing your blog title to "One Happy Dog Sleeps"? :-)