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Not sure if you can see the rain coming down in the pictures but it is raining as they are playing. My thought process was "free bath".

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And then they discovered the mud puddles. Sigh. End of the 'free bath'. It stopped raining and mom said yes to mud puddle jumping.

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Monkey see, monkey do:

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Tater just loves digging and building in mud:

The boys ended up getting sprayed by the hose before being allowed in the house. It was a fun and they loved it.
yes, boys and mud. Aww heck, throw in some women in bikini's and you can entertain the entire hetero-male population. :)
As a kid I grew up on farms. I loved playing in the rain and jumping in mud puddles barefooted and making mud pies. Good times, good times.
Next time just give 'em a bar of soap and a washcloth and let 'em have a heyday. They can rinse off with the hose :)
Congrats on the 3 inches of rain! You need it badly.
I know what's been ahppening to your rain - you've been sending it to us!
Just give me some of that precious rain and I'll personally throw my kids into a mud puddle. Of course, since most of them are teens and don't WANT to get thrown in, it could make for some interesting footage.
I thought I was the only one paly in the rain in my underwear......
I'm so glad you let them get dirty like that.
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