Mingle2 - Online Dating
It was PG because I had the word h.ll twice and dangerous once. Notice the dot in hell. OOps, now I have it three times. GRIN. You should have seen my face when I put in Tink's blog and it was rated G. G!!! My sister??? My blog child??? A safer blog than mine??? Oh well.
I'm PG too. I had crap 4x and pain 1x. I guess that means I'm 4x a pain in the a**.
I was rated R - no surprise there...
Rated R... no surprise.
I got 'R'. Hell 5X, crack 2X and dead once. Heh. And to think I'm raising kids... and since my blog is pretty much talking about my life with three boys, our lives must be R rated. Sheesh. If Hell was the worst thing I said on a daily basis, I'd be lucky.
OK, I'm LMAO. I started just putting in blogs I read and Eric over at SWG got NC-17. Heh.
You're bringing shame upon the Family!
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