About this blog: It will mainly be about my two sons, Tater (the elder) and Tot (the younger), along with other miscellaneous items as I see fit. Come along and enjoy the insane yet fun trip of watching two young boys slowly drive their mother over the edge.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Tater's View
My dear husband let Tater have the camera while waiting for the boat at Disney. He took 9 pictures. Certainly from a different point of view. I put them in the extended entry. If you want to see life from a 3 year old's set of pictures, click on More Pawprints.
While I feel like I'm on hold, waiting for the new job to start (a week from Monday), it seems like everyone else's life keeps chugging along.... Val makes a pronouncement on his "official" ethnic designation Joanie continues to heal...
Hey, some of those are good pictures!
very talanted photographer you got there....
perhaps the new Ansel Adams....
I love how he captured the rocking effect of the boat. ;)
he's pretty good.
Life around the B-sphere
While I feel like I'm on hold, waiting for the new job to start (a week from Monday), it seems like everyone else's life keeps chugging along.... Val makes a pronouncement on his "official" ethnic designation Joanie continues to heal...
mighty fine for a little guy!!!
Some of those angles remind me of the old Batman series... ;) Great pics!!
I rated a couple of them as a 10! Good work kid.
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