UPDATE 11:50AM - Forgot Prochein Amy's!!!! Read below!
Thank you for sending in your posts and pictures! For our First Karnival, I'm am excited and happy with the turn out. Here is our wonderful showing of kidz (In alphabetical order Z to A by site ->
Something from the 70s to get you started. Yep, Sally from Whimsy Capricious decided to post a picture of herself from the 70s. And then a picture of her little girl. Enjoy!
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Want to read a story that is absolutely spellbinding? You have to go check out THIS POST from the Tinker at the Secret Life of Shoes.
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Check out this cute kid jumping for fun. Thanks for showing us some action shots Amy of ProcheinAmy!
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And you wondered why it had to start Z to A? Ha! This way my entry is near the top! Certainly you have to have a picture of ME to start this off! Go check out THIS LINK and get a couple of smiles. Next week, I have a couple of stories to tell you. One about me and one about my kids.
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Mellow-Drama has her two girls playing in the water in the yard. Brings back lots of memories. And for about 2 minutes I wondered what it would be like to have 2 beautiful girls like hers. Then I decided I didn’t want to teach them how to put on makeup and wear hi-heels… I’m better off with boys. If her girls were a little younger… my boys might have a chance!
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Jennifer at Jennifer’s World sent these cute pictures to me. She has even more pictures and stories at her site.
Here is her boy… I wonder if he is already getting calls from the girls???

And what blue eyes her little girl has:

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I have seen THIS LOOK on my children… but not usually being quite so ‘geeky’. But what else would you expect from an Iowa Geek child? She is certainly getting ahead of her classmates!
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Grandpappy Harvey from Bad Example sent in his own picture. Don’t you just want to smooch him?
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Sledding? I thought it was getting to be summer time but I bet you can see why OddyBobo from Bobo Blogger sent in a great picture of her son sledding.
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Bou from Boudicca’s Voice sent in THIS STORY about her boys and a trip to Sea World. Definitely worth the read.
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Army Wife from Army Wife Toddler Mom has Halloween on the mind already. These very expressive and cute kids make that thought very understandable.
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And next week, this Karnival of Kidz will be hosted by the lovely and talented Sally from Whimsy Capricious. Spread the word! Have some fun! And be sure to send your entries in by Midnight May 1st to Karnival.kidz -at- gmail.com so she has lots of stories and pictures to post. And any other
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