Except in his bed, those legs and feet are on his pillow. Ever tried sleeping like that with a stuffy nose? It doesn't work. About every two hours, I get up... move him to a position on his back with his head up on the pillows. Within an hour he is back in the position you see in the picture. Within 30 minutes or so, he is crying because he can't breath. Ahhhh. This is the life of a mom.
Strap him down!
Put him in irons, me tells ya!
You have to admit, he's really really cute. Of course at 2AM, you have to kind of remind yourself of that...
Too precious. Love the butt-up pose. Oh my gosh. Melts this Mommy's heart to see it in the crib.
I remember when I would sleep like that or wake up with my feet on my pillow and my head under the covers...of course I was 9 at the time. But you do grow out of it.I think. Or else DH has been turning me right side round in bed all these years.
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