I was tagged by BlueTige! Teach me to leave comments on blogs. I like lurking around better.
Four Jobs That I've Had:
1. Horsebackriding instructor
2. Radio Shack Trash 80 repairman
3. IT support of Email
4. Customer Support of new Data telecom equipment/software
Four Movies I can watch over and over again:
1. Lady and The Tramp
2. The Bishop's Wife (old black & white)
3. Any James Bond movie
4. Any Monty Python
Four T.V. Shows I love to watch:
1. Uhhhh... next time ask about Authors I love to read
Four Website's I read Daily:
1. News
2. my RSS feeds (which is up to 69 now)
3. emails (yes, plural)
4. see #1,2,3
Four Places I've Been on Vacation:
1. Vancouver
2. Zermatt
3. Orlando
4. My mom's house
Four Favorite Foods:
1. Anything Chocolate
2. Thai food
3. Japanese food
4. Anything my mom makes
Four places I’d rather be (at this precise moment?)
1. In the woods walking
2. Next to my Hubby
3. Hugging my children
4. In a bed and asleep
Most everyone I know has been tagged... if you haven't... tag yourself and give it a shot.
So you're sleep deprived too!
*giggles inappropriately at the number of RSS feeds*
Cause I'm Joiner
This meme is going around and I have seen it everywhere. And since I have no good blog fodder, I will participate. This will be my only meme this year except for Blogcess! Four Jobs I’ve Had In My Life:...
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