Friday, November 11, 2005

Veteran's Day

Here is a piece of a poem I read:

It was a veteran, not a reporter,
Who guaranteed freedom of the press.

It was a veteran, not a poet,
Who guaranteed freedom of speech.

Go over and read the rest at Basil's POST.

That poem says it well. Thank you to all the veteran's out there today.


Bloggin Outloud said...

Establishing Eurabia?

Veteran's Day Question: Is the rioting in Europe an attempt to establish Eurabia? OTBs & Comments at Bloggin Outloud. Also citing Veteran Day salutes from Tinkerty Tonk, La Shawn, One Happy Dog, Outside the Beltway, and Overtaken by Events.

oddybobo said...

so true!

Atlantic said...

Great post. On Veterans Day I tried to trackback with
Marines go on third Iraq tour

Monika Eghin said...

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Veteran's Day

vicodin pic said...
