Saturday, July 09, 2005

Power loss

I had big plans on announcing my move to today... instead I'm putting out this post as quickly as possible. I have already lost power for an hour this morning.! ERGHHHHHHHH.

But I must say, we were only without power for an hour (so far). Yes, we are getting bands of Dennis all the way over here. Yes, it is raining, windy and nasty. If you can see any of the weather sites, you can see the radar and we are getting some of the east bands.

I'm worried because at 6am Dennis was down to 90MPH and within 2 hours he is up to 105MPH. Building too quickly for my taste. I just wish he would turn...

I will be online off and on as I can... But I'm unplugging stuff and just making sure our equipment doesn't get fried. When the power goes off, it usually is an off/on/off/on situation.

Back to the regular posting tomorrow. ;-)

Some not so well known good sites:

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